Moments Intercepted


So here’s what I’ve been up to lately!

From June 6th to July 6th I participated in Labspace Studio‘s (Re)collection Project.

A journey through creative space. Past, Present, and Future.

Every 2-3 days a creative challenge was issued.  Artists had 24 hours to create a work of art inspired by each challenge.  Turn something green, Make something old new, Reveal something hidden, Play with Fire!

These were just a few of the challenges, my goal was to create art from the hip.  Use the suggestions to spur my own creative inspiration, and have fun with it!  Completing a project every 48 hours was definitely a challenge.


I ended up with 3 “12×12” collage pieces, 3 installation pieces, (which for me was a new experiment) one photograph, and a “Pay it forward” piece intended to share some of what I experienced during this project.  See my work here. After a month of issuing challenges and receiving submissions from artists around the world, the Labspace Studio team had their own challenge in front of them.  Selecting the work to be shown at the Moments intercepted show. I was lucky enough to have 4 of my pieces chosen to exhibit!


